organised by IGI and the EU-FLOWS network took place in Hallsannery, Devon (UK) from May 9th to 13th.
It was taught by scientists from both academia (Geomar, Kiel, Germany; University of Bremen, Germany and University of Cardiff, UK) and industry (Ophir Energy, UK; UK Earthmoves Ltd, UK and IGI Ltd, UK) with the aim to provide an overview of modelling practice and challenges in both realms.
Eighteen participants from across Europe (but also Canada, Australia and Pakistan!) attended the course which was a great success thanks the wonderful spirit and motivation of the participants and to the excellent lectures/workshops given by Dr Ewa Burwicz-Galerne, Dr Helen Doran, Prof. Heiner Villinger, Dr Tiago Alves, Prof. Ian Davison, Dr Tiago Cunha and Dr Marianne Nuzzo.
The week ended with a fantastic structural geology field trip led by Prof. Ian Davison to visit the case study chevron folds of the Carboniferous cliffs of North Devon and Cornwall (group photo below).