p:IGI+/Metis version 2.0 release notes

Version 2. 0 of our software is a significant upgrade for both p:IGI+ and Metis. It is a strongly recommended upgrade, that involves significant changes to the underlying data storage, offering the opportunity to further improve things moving forward.

p:IGI+/Metis version 1.28.x release

We are pleased to announce the release of version 1. 28. 7. 0 of p:IGI+ and Metis.  This version includes new features and performance enhancements which we recommend as an update to all our software users. This version will be used in our online training, in Feb 2021.

p:IGI+/Metis version 1.27.x release

We are pleased to announce the release of version 1. 27. 1. 0 of p:IGI+ and Metis.  This version includes significant new features and performance enhancements which we recommend as an update to all our software users. This version includes the following changes with respect to 1. 22.

Alternative Source Rocks in the Norwegian sea – Potentially Cretaceous sourced hydrocarbons in the Møre and Vøring Basins

by Laura Garner

Using geochemical data contained within IGI’s Norwegian Sea Geochemical Database (compiled from released data on the Norwegian Petroleum Directorate’s website), a regional geochemical interpretation report has been produced which ventures, in part, into the potential for Cretaceous source rocks and generated hydrocarbons in the deeper regions of the…