IGI Presenting at the ‘South Atlantic Symposium 2023’

David Gardiner & Tiago Cunha will be attending the TGS South Atlantic Symposium 2023 at the Geological Society of London on Thursday 23rd November. https://info. tgs. com/en/southatlantic2023

Tiago will be presenting a paper entitled: Synrift and postrift thermal evolution of margins: a re-evaluation of classic models of rifting.

IGI at PESGB Africa

IGI is attending the PESGB-Africa meeting, where Tiago Cunha is co-authoring a timely paper by Matt Tyrrel (TROIS Geoconsulting, UK). . . . . . on the potential of the ultra-deep offshore in the Angola’s Lower Congo Basin. We look forward to this comprehensive and far-reaching programme (https://africa. pesgb.