Andrew Green

Andrew Green

Senior Geochemist/Basin Modeller

Andrew Green joined IGI Ltd. in 2010 after graduating from Newcastle University with an MSc in Petroleum Geochemistry. Andrew’s work for IGI involves:

• Geochemical and basin modelling consultancy, which has exposed him to interpretation questions from a range of international conventional and unconventional petroleum systems over 4 continents.
• Providing software user support to our p:IGI+ customers. This also includes the
delivery of specialist geochemistry software training courses both online and in person, and the maintenance of the online software user guide.
• Feeding user input into the development of IGI’s software products and software testing pre-release.
• Leading geological/geochemical field trips about South Wales, Devon and Dorset, UK
• Managing the content on IGI’s geochemistry reference software product: ig.NET.
• Acting as a company First Aider (field-based)

En-route to IGI Ltd., Andrew completed qualifications in Geology, BSc. (Durham University) & Integrated Petroleum Geoscience, MSc. (University of Aberdeen) and also had the opportunity to operate and run wireline tools for Schlumberger for 18 months in Oman, providing leadership and operational skills while developing an interest in petrophysics.

Following a work experiencing placement with Geopressure Technology (Ikon Science) while at Durham University, Andrew was able to combine both his knowledge of Geopressure and petrophysics into his Newcastle dissertation; which investigated the quantitative approaches to directly measuring mudstone pore pressure across the Rosetta Province, western offshore Nile Delta.

While at IGI, apart from maintaining an interest in the relationship between petrophysics and source rock, Andrew has also enjoyed working on unconventional projects across Europe and north Africa and keeping up to speed with developments in geochemical screening Pyrolysis equipment. Recently Andrew had the opportunity to work on investigating the storage potential of captured CO2 in the Triassic Bunter Fm. of the Southern North Sea and plans on developing skills in Net-Zero consultancy services.

Away from work, I spend my free time training dogs in the sport of canine agility and competing in the sport of Triathlon. Other interests include a love for, growing fruit & veg, and baking.