We are pleased to announce the release of a new version of p:IGI+. This version, 1.1.3, is the first p:IGI+ release that we feel is a potential replacement for p:IGI-3 for some simpler screening geochemistry workflows.
The released version includes a number of features:
- powerful import from text, Excel and p:IGI-3 files with improved use of import templates to make import even more straightforward when you have imported similar files before
- harmonise strings in your data, merge your samples to quality control your data set
- full equation system to evaluate commonly used ratios and other derived values
- powerful artefact manager to help organise the project – drag and drop to organise as you like, filter to show only certain artefact types, search for specific artefacts (graphs, pages, palettes, sample sets, project data overviews)
- spreadsheets grouped by analysis and by interpretation to help you view and modify your data
- project data overview (pixelmap) to quickly see where your data is
- sample sets to help you filter your data effectively (also apply wells as sample sets, to filter per well, and any other criteria)
- graphs: scatterplots, histograms, triplots and single depth plots including a range of autographs with interpretative overlays
- pan and zoom (scatter and depth plot), brush data (scatter, tri- and depth plots), apply palettes and sample sets (all plots), export to high quality png/tiff/clipboard
- edit axes, create and edit overlays and legends
- visual query to explore data in graphs
- palettes: create and edit colour, shape and size palettes; explore your data using palettes – turn on / off elements interactively
- create your own ‘project properties’ – as many as you like, add equations to them, share them with colleagues – no limit on the number of ‘columns’
- wells – integrated enhanced ‘well manager’ functionality: convert depths MD – TVD, assign stratigraphy based on tops, compute temperature gradient, apply to graphs, pages to show data from that well
- mapping – first version of a Bing maps based view; pan /zoom, explore your wells
- export – select a subset of properties (columns) and samples (rows) for export to text files (tab delimited) – useful to get data into p:IGI-3, Excel, ArcMap, …
- integrated geochemistry help
- full undo support across the application, and modern user interface design, supporting drag and drop throughout
We are currently prioritising the following developments based on user group feedback:
- overlays and axis edit for triplots; zoom to data for histograms
- support for creating sample buckets
- support for line plots and multi-depth plots
- improved mapping to allow shapefile import and summary of data values
- enhanced creation of samplesets from text columns
- bulk import of p:IGI-3 well manager files
- improved progress bars throughout software etc.
We believe that version 1.1.3 of p:IGI+ will support some preliminary ‘screening geochemistry’ workflows, and are working hard to ensure future versions cover more workflows, more completely. We intend to release new versions of p:IGI+ more frequently in the coming year, letting you know about the improvements included in each version.
We would welcome any feedback you have on p:IGI+, and note that there is a developing online user guide at : www.igiltd.com/pigiug. We intend to develop sections of the user guide as questions arise. There is also a support site at: www.igiltd.com/support which contains some frequently asked questions and can be used to request specific support, along with the email:
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