p:IGI+/Metis Transform version 1.17.x release

We are pleased to announce the release of version of p:IGI+ and Metis Transform. This version includes a number of new features and performance enhancements, and is a advised update for all users of p:IGI+ in particular. 

This version includes the following changes with respect to 1.14.0:

New features (p:IGI+ and Transform)

  • If a particular artefact (page, graph, palette, sample set, etc) cannot be read in a project this artefact is skipped, but the rest of the project will open fine. The reason for the failure and a copy of the artefact is written to the logs.
  • Wells now enable all well properties to be seen and edited. The user interface has been improved and validation added to ensure carriage returns are not added to text fields by accident.
  • Performance has been improved across the system, in particular where a project contains a large number of sample sets. This is most noticeable when opening pages and importing well stratigraphy tops.
  • Users can now work from files stored on remote / network drives. There is a slight slow down to opening a project due to copying the file over the network, but once working there is no change in performance. Save is slower due to unavoidable network effects.
  • The property order is now set from ig.Share when exporting data and creating the page showing all properties with data. The property order of analysis groups, and lab metadata within the analysis groups has been updated; we are still updating some analysis group property orders.
  • The merge grouping now considers units and their conversion when doing the comparison of properties to create merge groups. This takes into account precision in the comparison.
  • It is now possible to apply sample sets, palettes and wells to all open artefacts with one action. This can be undone.
  • It is possible to remove a given sample set, palette or well from all artefacts to which it is currently applied. This can be undone.
  • You can create multiple sample sets from a text column. The sample sets will be added to a folder, and action is undoable.
  • Row and column headers are highlighted in the spreadsheet for selected cells.
  • Bulk update now filters to only show potentially valid indicators, rather than all indicators.
  • Users can now provide a base layer to all stratigraphy layers where a top down not ‘close off’ the layer. This is especially important to member level data in lithostratigraphy.
  • Stratigraphy layers are now shown in a natural order in well manager, including base layers.
  • Export uses the short form of the indicators to provide more compact headers.
  • Geochemistry help has been updated to link more extensively to ig.Net.

p:IGI+ specific features

  • More symbols are available in graphs, including half-filled symbols, and the default symbol is now a disc.
  • There is better validation feedback around the axis extents meaning that it is now not possible to move the graph (via the mouse, or setting the axes) to ranges that are not able to be supported on computers (this is to do with the precision to which numbers can be represented digitally).
  • When changing the axis unit, the graph extent is now also converted to the same units, meaning the graph view does not change.
  • The default display size can be set for all graph types in the system to allow consistent copying of graphs for presentation.
  • Users can create line plots, with full interaction including brushing.
  • Line plots can be modified and bulk updated.
  • Data on line plots can be normalised per sample choosing from 3 options.
  • Users can create Chung plots with interaction.
  • Graphs are now copied with transparent backgrounds, giving more flexibility to their display for presentation.
  • The source of an .Any property is now shown in the visual query.

Metis Transform specific features

  • When two wells are merged the system is correctly notified of all changes this implies, and samples are correctly updated.
  • Provenance accurately records the creation of wells from spreadsheet interaction.


  • Sample sets correctly update the selector provided when the property is changed from numeric to text.
  • Licence protection no longer slows down the application.
  • Overlays now correctly update when ratio changes.
  • Overlays only render when they are not ‘too big’ with respect to the graph view (fixes issues with infinities, unit conversions and user zooming).
  • Sample sets update on unit changes.
  • Graph zooming is now restricted to prevent errors when the user zooms in too far, particularly at large values.
  • Importing well data with blank values always assigns the correct values to the correct wells. The well merge in p:IGI+ now works exactly as expected.
  • .Any properties are now defined using the internal property name, not the short property name, making it possible to more easily create .Any properties.
  • The spreadsheet responds correctly to changing equations which produce infinity and NaN values, and clears the calculation when inputs change.
  • Opening graphs when sort is applied is now as fast as when there is no sort.
  • Some small fixes to well creation to make sure users do not encounter errors when creating wells with duplicate names or spaces in names.
  • Search for properties is more robust and will always return many results.
  • Search for properties will convert special characters earlier in the pipeline, e.g. alpha to a, superscript to number - helps with linking.
  • Renaming a sample set / well now updates the name on any artefact windows to which it is applied.
  • You can now harmonise well properties effectively.
  • Can no longer harmonise .Any properties - this should never have been possible!
  • Histogram bars are now exactly filled by the fill colour and have an outline around each element.
  • Visual query highlight is always shown correctly on all graphs, even when just opened.
  • Equations do not show the results when dividing by zero, but ratios can be correctly converted if a normalised form is desired.
  • Lithostrat and chronostrat is always assigned correctly to samples (the Unknown level is now the lowest level in the hierarchy where it was the highest).
  • Property names in graph manager  now use the standard display format.
  • Import linking screen now correctly clears highlighted columns.
  • Exporting a subset of the data by selected a sample set is much faster.
  • Pressing ‘Esc’ now clears the search in artefact manager.
  • The artefact tree correctly shows when dynamic and static sample sets are applied (only one can be applied at any time).
  • Key column counts are always correct for the given page they are shown on, with any sample set / well applied.

Property model changes

  • A range of new properties (~200 new properties) has been added to support UK OGA data compilation work and other clients.

Known issues

  • In older projects the Pyrolysis summary page might not open as some of the properties have been removed. To open the page remove the properties S2-OM.Any, PI-OM.Any and Sh-OSI.Any which have been removed from the system.
  • Entering very (unrealistically!) large values to integer based properties causes the application to crash.


We believe this release of p:IGI+ is capable of being used operationally to pursue a basic petroleum systems analysis geochemistry study, and have used it extensively in house to do this. It does not yet support the full workflow encompassed in p:IGI-3, but offers unique advantages over p:IGI-3, including a more complete property model, greater interactivity, and all that with undo support for all important operations.



If you wish to explore and test p:IGI+ then an example demo project is available for download from our website.

We’d welcome any feedback you have on p:IGI+, and note that there is a developing online user guide. We intend to develop sections of the user guide as questions arise. There is also a support site which contains some frequently asked questions and can be used to request specific support, along with the email support@igiltd.com.