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IGI releases version 2.1 of p:IGI+ and Metis » IGI Ltd.

IGI releases version 2.1 of p:IGI+ and Metis

IGI is pleased to announce that version 2.1 of both p:IGI+ and Metis are available. There’s a lot new in version 2.1.

Metis Integration:

Geochemistry data managed in Metis can now be quickly and easily linked in a p:IGI+ project. Simply create a link directly from p:IGI+, define a query in the integrated Metis Discover and link the data you want. Not only does this make the initial import of data easy, once a link is established any new data that are added or existing samples that are changed in Metis can be quickly updated in your p:IGI+ project

If your organisation does not use Metis to manage its own proprietary geochemistry data then you can still use this feature with our public Metis database. In collaboration with the Norwegian Petroleum Directorate (NPD) we have just doubled the size of the freely available public datasets. In addition to the previously released Norwegian North Sea data, data from the Norwegian Sea and Barents Sea up to the end of 2019 are now available completely free. Find out more about the data here and there is a guide on how to link your p:IGI+ projects available here.

APT Collaboration:

The past year has seen IGI collaborate with APT (Applied Petroleum Technology) to provide our mutual clients with a data export format compatible with IGI’s geochemical software products. This service, supported by a collective of industry operators, offer APT’s clients all their analytical data pre-formatted ready to meet IGI’s data import requirements.

APT and IGI’s long-standing relationship has allowed high-quality geochemical data to be easily imported into IGI’s interpretation software. This latest development allows users to benefit from a property model which is now aligned with APTs commonly requested analytical services.

For more information on bringing APT data into IGI’s software please visit our associated user guide page. 

Property Model highlights:

Working with APT has led to several areas of the property model being updated or advanced to cater for additional peaks being monitored and new analytical methods being run.  

IGI has also been working with Stratum Reservoir to provide a more detailed kerogen composition fluorescence (blue light or UV) model in the K-Colour analysis group. Data relating to colour and intensity can now be captured for present sporinite, alginite and amorphous organic matter.

We have fixed the equation associated with the Rock Eval-6 (Pyrol6) pyrolysable organic carbon (PC) property.

Rule sets:

Write values into any string property in the system from a defined a set of rules. These rules can be as complex or as simple as you like, with multiple rules being used for a given target property. Select which samples a rule set is applied to and share rule sets as artefacts across projects.

Find out more:

Version 2.1 also includes lots of other new features, improvements and bug fixes. For a full set of release notes, view them here.

If your organisation already uses p:IGI+ or Metis, then the designated people within your company responsible for deploying software should have received an email with further information on how to obtain version 2.1.