Debug (line 260 of RequestHandler.php): Testing 'element/$ID!' with '' on SilverStripe\Blog\Model\BlogPostController
Debug (line 260 of RequestHandler.php): Testing '$Action//$ID/$OtherID' with '' on SilverStripe\Blog\Model\BlogPostController
Debug (line 267 of RequestHandler.php): Rule '$Action//$ID/$OtherID' matched to action 'handleAction' on SilverStripe\Blog\Model\BlogPostController. Latest request params: array ( 'Action' => NULL, 'ID' => NULL, 'OtherID' => NULL, )
Debug (line 184 of RequestHandler.php): Action not set; using default action method name 'index'
IGI's Software Development office in Birmingham are looking for a graduate software developer to join their team.
They are looking for an enthusiastic would be software developer within an interest in developing desktop and web applications. They are specifically seeking someone who is passionate about, and wants to learn: good design; architecture; working practices; and the broader domain of software development. You will be dynamic and keen to work with others, with an interest to innovate and work efficiently across our product range.
Further details, including application information, are available on the job description:
[DownloadInfo id="81"]