Debug (line 313 of ViewableData.php): SilverStripe\Blog\Model\BlogController created with a failover class of SilverStripe\Blog\Model\Blog

Debug (line 313 of ViewableData.php): SilverStripe\Blog\Model\BlogPostController created with a failover class of SilverStripe\Blog\Model\BlogPost

Debug (line 313 of ViewableData.php): DNADesign\Elemental\Controllers\ElementController created with a failover class of DNADesign\Elemental\Models\ElementContent

'Dig Deep in Kenya'. » IGI Ltd.

'Dig Deep in Kenya'.

In 2019 IGI was able to support Carlos da Silva’s partner to undertake some charity work with Dig Deep.

Dig Deep works to provide clean drinking water, proper toilets and good hygiene in rural Kenya, where less than 20% of the people have access to these services.  To read the full story follow the link below...

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