IGI have over 35 years of expertise on the UKCS and can provide a range of cost-effective and time-efficient services; from regional studies defining the timing/quantity of hydrocarbon charge to detailed prospect appraisal with PVT prediction. Here’s just 5 reasons why IGI are ideal to work with on your new acreage:
- UK-based consultancy with 35 years’ experience of geochemistry and basin modelling on the UKCS, inc. new research on petroleum systems in the West of Shetlands.
- Proven track record working with the OGA, resulting in the UK Geochemistry data set.
- Geochemical database comprising over 90,000 samples across the UKCS available immediately in our own industry-leading p:IGI software (to supplement any existing/proprietary data).
- Petroleum Systems Analysis (PSA) is a proven, powerful and cost-effective integration tool that can substantially improve understanding of prospectivity.
- Interactive, integrated and flexible workflow designed to maximise other G&G studies.
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