Debug (line 313 of ViewableData.php): SilverStripe\Blog\Model\BlogController created with a failover class of SilverStripe\Blog\Model\Blog
Debug (line 313 of ViewableData.php): SilverStripe\Blog\Model\BlogPostController created with a failover class of SilverStripe\Blog\Model\BlogPost
Debug (line 313 of ViewableData.php): SilverStripe\Assets\Storage\DBFile created with a failover class of SilverStripe\Assets\Image
Debug (line 313 of ViewableData.php): DNADesign\Elemental\Controllers\ElementController created with a failover class of DNADesign\Elemental\Models\ElementContent
Dear user, we are delighted to announce version 2.5 of both p:IGI+ and Metis is now available. IGI has added significant functionality designed to support a range of workflows and increase user efficiency.
This article summarises the highlights. The full release notes can be found here: Full-Release-Notes-2_5.pdf.
There are also several new and updated auto-artefacts shipped with version 2.5. IGI will continue to create new auto-artefacts, so keep an eye out for the new artefacts that are added and remember that you (and your company) can manage and share artefacts through the artefact management settings under the Settings menu.
p:IGI+ & Metis Transform Highlights:
Dashboards: The user can create and use the provided auto-dashboards (composing graphs, maps and bar charts / box and whisker plots etc.) This provides an efficient route to viewing, comparing and reporting data.